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About Locks 'N' Rocks:

Locks 'N' Rocks is a single-player puzzle game written in C# by Steve Kanellopoulos. It was created for fun and it is a free game. You are free to download, play and/or make copies of the game.

Author's Comments:

The name Locks 'N' Rocks comes from the significance of the Locks and Rocks in the puzzle that is the game. If you've played the game, chances are this is obvious. Ironically, though, the project did not have this or any real name for the first good while of its development. This is because initially, the focus was developing the core functionality of an abstract tile-based game in C# involving moving a character around and loading the appropriate new screen after moving off the edge.

Doing this first allowed a lot of freedom and flexibility later on, not to mention the abstraction of some tedious low-level details. It was then much easier to focus on the design and implementation of the actual game by tailoring and expanding on this core for Locks 'N' Rocks.

Certain aspects of the game, such as the character art, are also based on a mini-game I created in Flash for a school project but that was never later elaborated on into a full game. It was for a college course (called Multimedia & Internet) in 2006.

If you're interested in other games I've worked on or simply looking for more free games, check out BattleBoardz at battleboardz.com.